By using this system you consent to the registration of your geographical position (through the phone´s location services or another cellular unit), as well as storage and treatment of the information on APEX´s servers. The same will apply to the information concerning your name, your birth date, your job description and your building card-ID/HES-card number which will be registered when you create a user account in the system.
The personal data is collected, stored and processed in order to fulfill the employer´s legal duties related to electronically crew lists etc., intern communication, handling of critical situations and preservation of the employees´ security in case of an evacuation.
Your employer, as the data controller, will handle your personal data and APEX will act as the data processor on behalf of your employer.
The information collected will be used in order to check your position against a physical location (usually a building site) as defined by the employer. Position data will be registered as access control (when you arrive at and leave the site) and as electronically registration of crew lists for those on site.
Through use of the system, it will also be possible to access to your position data in case of an evacuation or something similar in order to ensure that everyone is in a safe place. Information about your position after arriving at the building site will only be available in such a critical situation and will not be stored or registered while you are staying at the site.
You will also be able to receive information and documentation about your job´s tasks directly from your employer to the system. APEX will not use your information for another purpose than delivering service and won´t, for example, sell or transfer this information for marketing purposes etc.
Every single treatment of your personal information will be handled in accordance with the rules and provisions contained in the Norwegian Personal Data Act, in the Norwegian Personal Data Regulations, as well as remaining relevant set of rules.